Computer Vision

Through these series of blogs, basics of computer vision will be covered. This series will also be comprehendable for anyone who's new for this field. Viewers are assumed to have a basic understanding in Linear Algebra, Python and it's popular library Numpy. Furthermore, it must be acknowledged that these articles are based on the lecture slides of Dr. Ranga Rodrigo

Image Processing

In the field of computer vision, image processing can be mentioned as the first step which is usually performed in the data preprocessing step. Image processing is simply applying a transformation to the pixel values in an image. This blog will cover the basics required for image processing. Both the theory and the code implementations in python.

Local Image Features

Local features refer to a pattern or distinct structure found in an image, such as a point, edge, or small image patch. They are usually associated with an image patch that differs from its immediate surroundings by texture, color, or intensity.

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